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Pandamonium erupted last night when Temple beat #10 ranked Georgetown 68-65.  The Owls led the entire game and had their 6th man (the student section) working in full force. A few days before the game I splurged and bought a wild cherry pass. Basically this pass gives me guaranteed tickets to every basketball game. Additionally if I had purchased the pass in the fall I would have gotten guaranteed football tickets. It’s not a bad deal at $60 plus you get a pretty sweet underarmor tee shirt. Finally this pass allows students to sit in the”cherry and white” section at any home athletic event. So last night after the final seconds ticked off the clock I joined in with the rest of the “cherry and white” student section storming the court inside the Liacouras Center. This upset against top ranked Georgetown should definitely put Temple back in the nationally ranked top 24!  Check out the video below for a few clips I took from the madness last night on my cell phone.